Below is a basic Price List to use as a reference. Please contact the artist for a FREE QUOTE.

Using photo references, Andrea carefully crafts portraits in the choice of Pastels, Watercolor, Acrylics or Oils. Her goal is to not only capture the likeness but also an emotion. Realistic, yet vibrant color is her trademark. "I do not overwork my strokes to avoid creating muddy colors or too smooth of a surface", she says. "This also allows the viewer to become a participant by filling in detail that is only suggested".
The winner of many art awards, Andrea is happy creating work for others to enjoy over the years: "I believe in making quality portraits affordable."
Her paintings are spread out through many U.S. States, Mexico, Canada, Scotland and Norway.
The winner of many art awards, Andrea is happy creating work for others to enjoy over the years: "I believe in making quality portraits affordable."
Her paintings are spread out through many U.S. States, Mexico, Canada, Scotland and Norway.
Below is a Price List to be used as a reference. Please contact the artist for a FREE QUOTE.
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